United Arab Political Parties Manifesto

5 Feb

United Arab Political Parties Manifesto


United Arab Political Parties personifying the ideals, hopes, aspirations and proposals for action of the Arab Party and its candidates.

United Arab Political Parties is built on Arab Nationalism, Religious Freedom, multiparty system, and representation of all religious and political ideology in government.

It is to this end and for this purpose that this Ideology of United Arab Political Parties is designed. Herein will be set forth the policies, attitude, proposals and position of this Unity and its candidates, with matters of deepest concern to the average Arab, his home, his family, his property, his employment, his right to safety and security in the pursuit of the activities of his daily life, his right to freedom from interference and harassment from and by the government at all levels and, lastly, his pride in himself and this nation and all that it has stood for.

United Arab Political Parties without Radical Islamic Parties part of his ideology of Arab Unity Democracy.

Islam is built on tolerate and love for human dignity and human freedom, but the Radical Islamic parties, group and government suppress women and the religious minorities and creating fear within our society.

We are now working on a platform and United Arab Political Parties for Peace. Opposing Islamic radical Parties who suppress freedom in the Arab world.

We will soon form a website and assist in research and associate to Arab Parties built democracy and freedom in our region.

This document treats both foreign and domestic policy and is basically designed to present the proposals and action programs of this Unity and its candidates in the area of:

  • We support a secular Government
  • We affirm every citizen’s right to apply religious values to public policy and the right of faith-based organizations to participate fully in public programs without renouncing their beliefs, removing religious objects or symbols, or becoming subject to government imposed hiring practices.
  • Respectful of our nation’s diversity in faith, we urge reasonable accommodation of religious beliefs in the private workplace. We deplore the increasing incidence of attacks against religious symbols, as well as incidents of anti-Semitism on churches.
  • We support the right of Christians and Muslims to engage in student-initiated, student-led prayer in public schools, and ceremonies.
  • Forcing religious groups to abandon their beliefs as applied to their hiring practices is religious discrimination. It will be prosecuted, If it is a Commercial or any organization the license will be revoked. This will result in a Criminal manner.
  • The war we wage against terrorists is not a battle of faiths. We recognize that acts of violence against innocents violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith. We know that in this struggle against terrorism free nations have strong allies, of every faith, including millions of people in the Middle East who want to live in freedom.
  • A Constitution guarantees the free exercise of religion and forbids any religious test for public office, and it likewise prohibits the establishment of a state-sponsored creed, and accurately reflects the Islamic-Christian heritage of our country.
  • Our ideology supports a close Identification with Christians and Muslims Religious values.
  • opposes the Government to seizure of any religious property.
  • Arab Nationalism
  • United Christians and Muslims Arab world with lack of violence and discrimination.
  • A pro-western policy
  • pro-Arab Unity
  • Free trade with all Arab Nations
  • Advocate national and defense security with Arab States
  • Maintain and honor peace with Israel
  • Protecting the Palestine human rights and cause
  • • Ant-terrorist groups, Radical Islamic like Al Nour Party of Egypt.
  • United Arab Political Parties support issues that represent the Parties ideology and concerns, Unlike the Arab League which the established national party speaks on issues.
  • We will bring the issues to the respected governments, The Arab League or the United Nations.
  • Assist one another with reform policies.


This Platform represents the attitude, policy, position, judgment and determination of this Party with respect to the major problems confronting Arab world.

We believe that our analysis of the nature of these problems is in keeping with the feelings of the great majority of our people. We further feel that our approach to solution of these matters is sound, logical, practical and attainable and in keeping with the basic, inherent good judgment of the Egyptian people.

All members of this Unity may ask for an amendment for this Manifesto, either it will be approved or vetoed by the Chairman and or the Executive board.

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